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Holiday-Apartment in Ronneburg / Hessen PDF Print E-mail

This premium class holiday appartment is located near to Ronneburg Castle in the village Neuwiedermuss. No matter if you look for accomodation during a fair in Frankfurt, plan to spend your vacation in Rhein-Main area or just want to relax a few days on the countryside - here you are right.
You find Ronneburg community in the Main-Kinzig district, about 15 km east of Hanau - easy to reach via highway A66 or A45.

Besides the beautiful landscape, which invites to hiking and cycling, we have of course the castle which invites you for a visit. There, you will find a restaurant, a museum, a show with falcons and a paragliding-school.
Of course many other activities are possible in this area and we as well provide a list of local events.
Mo matter if you like to come over for a short visit or plan a longer vacation - you can feel warmly welcome here. But first, you should have a look inside the residence.


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